Since I was just a Purina Farms last weekend shooting a flyball tournament, I seriously couldn't be happier with the theme for this week (43 of the 52-week pet photography project, which is...
Photographer's Choice:
This was my first time shooting an event, and as a former flyball junky I was pretty excited. Not just to shoot a flyball tournament, but a huge tournament, with insanely close racing and at my favorite venue - Purina Farms. This place is nothing short of AMAZING!
The inside is huge, well lit, colorful and even has a little cafe. The outside is beautiful rolling hills, a white picket fence (that I never made it to) and on-site RV camping. Pretty much all that is good!
My favorite dog to photograph racing was this adorable fuzziness:
Since I love doing portraits, I scheduled some portrait sessions while I was there and I lucked out with the most fun dogs.
This guy had more personality than ten big dogs.
This Border Collie was perfect. But then I may think that about all Border Collies.
And how perfect is a Mal on a cold morning with steamy condensation coming out of its mouth?